Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB has initiated a program whereby all in the Archdiocese are encouraged in a renewal of our liturgical practice, by engaging in a deeper study and reflection on the faith of the Church which is expressed in the Church’s liturgy. He asked that at the heart of this program of renewal there should be a rediscovery of the richness of our Catholic faith in the Eucharist, including our belief in the real presence of Jesus Christ under the sacramental signs of bread and wine.’ Pope Francis in his June 2022 Apostolic Letter Desiderio Desideravi also highlighted the need for liturgical formation. (DD#27)
Five short videos have been produced for use throughout the Season of Lent. The formation stage begins on 25 and 26 February, the first Sunday of Lent.
A video will be released each week over the Lenten season with the topics and dates listed below.
1. Liturgical Formation & Renewal Launch (Archbishop Costelloe SDB)1st Sunday of Lent: 25 & 26 February
2. Sacramentality (Fr Vincent Glynn) 2nd Sunday of Lent: 4 & 5 March
3. What Is Liturgy (Sr Kerry Willison RSM)3rd Sunday of Lent: 11 & 12 March
4. Signs & Symbols (Mildred Rego) 4th Sunday of Lent: 18 & 19 March
5. Why Do We Gather (Sr Kerry Willison RSM) 5th Sunday of Lent: 25 & 26 March
After the celebration of the Easter liturgies, the formation will move to focus on the presence of Christ in the Eucharist, in particular the presence of Christ through the sacramental signs of bread and wine. This phase will culminate with the feast of Corpus Christi on 11 June.