You are invited to arrange for one of our Sunday morning baptisms. Baptism for parishioners are celebrated following the 9am morning Mass and usually are of 45 minutes duration
You are welcome to arrange a baptism here (no weekday baptism) with a visiting priest or deacon known to you and your family, if you do not have a known celebrant, you are most welcome to discuss with our baptism coordinator.
These are celebrated late mornings only and usually are of 45 minutes duration
If you have special circumstances, please ring the parish office to arrange for a conversation with our baptism coordinator.
For Adult baptism, please discuss with our baptism coordinator.
Please contact our coordinator at the Parish Office to book:
☎ 9381 0400 (Tuesday & Friday)
💬 0422-481-299 (Text only)
Please remember to provide:
Your child's name
Your mobile number