children and vulnerable adults have the right to physical and psychological safety at all times and that the Church;
and that the Church, as a Christian institution, should now and into the future be at the forefront of efforts to make this a reality.
The Archdiocese is committed to making this possible through collaboration, vigilance, and proactive approaches across legislation, policies, procedures, and practices.
Commitment Statement of the Archdiocese of Perth can be viewed HERE
A Pastoral Response to Domestic Violence
You Are God’s Marvelous Creation Rev 1.1
eBook: God Gave Elizabeth Grace the Right to Feel Safe
Safeguarding Information for Parents during Covid-19 Pandemic
Resources for Parents:
Children code of behaviour
A Parent's Helper on Keeping Kids Safe
Love, Sex and Relationships
The Power of Freedom
Staying Safely Connected Online
Parent Online Cyber-Safety Webinar
Other Resources:
Raise awareness of our collective responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable individuals – The Safeguarding Project Aim
The project will be informed by the 12 National Safeguards – Child Wise 12 Standards for a Child Safe Organisation
Children are powerless, trusting and depend on adults
Children are taught to obey adults
Young children can’t assess adults’ motives
Children will tolerate the most painful abuse to maintain emotionally rewarding relationships
Sexual abuse by adults is confusing
The program teaches children, young people and adults a range of skills and strategies to help prevent and reduce child abuse and violence in our communities.
Let your child take small risks so that they develop problem-solving and conflict-management skills.
Teach your child that if they don’t feel safe, they have the right to do something about it.
Encourage them to discuss and express their feelings.
Help your child learn how to identify their body’s early-warning signs for feeling unsafe.
Develop a shared language around safety, e.g. Safety = choice + control + time limit.
Help your child develop a network of trusted adults with whom they can talk about absolutely anything.
Practice “What if…” scenarios. Ask “What would you do if someone gave you a present and told you to keep it a secret?”
Develop an expectation that secrets can always be shared with someone we trust.
Use the correct terminology for all body parts and avoid “nicknames” or “cute” names for the private parts of the body.
Reinforce that children own the whole of their body and no one should touch their private parts (those covered by bathers) or their mouths and they shouldn’t touch anyone else’s.
Teach about personal space and let children decide themselves how they want to express physical affection.
Children should not be forced to hug or kiss anyone.
Feedback and Reporting:
If you would like to provide any feedback or report any incident, please email St Joseph's Safeguarding Team
or Fill in the incident report form and email it to St Joseph's Safeguarding Team
Use mealtime to talk and to share laughs
One-on-one chats with each family member
Regular family time and outings
Decide together about what to do for special events such as birthdays
Talk about everything (even difficult things)
Listen with full attention
Encourage each other with genuine, positive praise
Discipline with love, patience and understanding
Show appreciation, love and encouragement through words and affection
Have family rules that apply to everyone
Make family decisions together
Share chores
Think about everyone’s needs when planning family activities
Take an interest in each other’s lives
Include everyone in a conversation
Support each other in important events such as sports days and school concerts.