
The Camino de Santiago

(The Way of St. James)

The Camino de Santiago is an ancient Pilgrims route that runs from a number of points in Spain and France to Santiago near the western coast of Spain

Over the course of centuries, small communities have sprung up along the route to provide the Pilgrims with shelter and food – this makes for an amazing experience

In 1993 it was declared a World Heritage Site and now attracts tens of thousands of walkers each year

The Camino Salvado

The Camino Salvado is a pilgrimage in the spirit of the Camino de Santiago from St Joseph’s Church in Subiaco to New Norcia: the link is Dom Salvado who established Australia’s only Monastery Town and who, interestingly, entered religious life at Santiago in Spain before moving to Italy then, later in his life, to Australia

Dom Salvado

Dom Salvado regularly walked from New Norcia to Perth to seek the support needed to sustain his community. He preached in local Churches throughout Perth and on occasions gave music recitals in the larger homes of friends and Catholic parishioners. He was made welcome and at the end of each visit many people enjoyed waving farewell to the Abbey’s huge, trundling dray on its return journey to New Norcia

Further information is available from the main Camino site

Camino Salvado website