SVDP Subiaco Conference

Who Are We?

Established in 1911, the St Joseph’s Subiaco Conference of St Vincent de Paul has, for 112 years, been providing emergency assistance to people struggling financially. SVDP Subiaco currently has 17 members.

Every afternoon, Monday to Friday, two members are on call ready to visit people in our Conference area. This area includes not only Subiaco, but also Shenton Park, West Leederville, Daglish, as well as parts of Perth, East and West Perth and Northbridge.

Weekly meetings enable us to share stories of the people visited, support each other, pray together and plan for the weeks ahead.

How Do We Help?

  • Visits: In pairs, SVDP Subiaco members see people in their homes, listening and talking with them about their needs. During these visits, a large hamper of pantry food and toiletries is provided, as well as a supermarket voucher for the purchase of fresh food.

  • Vouchers: These Vinnies Shop vouchers enable clients to select clothing and other required items from the stores.

  • Furniture: Arrangements for delivery of furniture, bedding and kitchen packs from the Vinnies Depot.

  • Expenses: Assistance with payment of electricity and gas bills or overdue rent, and occasional assistance with fuel and car registration renewal.

  • Vinnies Financial Counselling: Individuals with more complex or long term needs are referred as the goal is to give people a hand up, not a hand out.

  • Christmas Hampers & Gifts: Distribute hampers and gifts to many of the people and families we have seen during the year.

Want to know more?

SVDP Subiaco Conference members attend all weekend Masses. You will know them personally or are easily recognised because of their SVDP badge. If you have questions or want more information please approach any member at these Masses.

Alternatively, you can email the SVDP Subiaco Conference President, Belinda Becker at